Static variables

@:value(65)staticinlineread onlyA:Int = 65

@:value(false)staticALLOW_KEY_REPEAT:Bool = false

This enable the native key repeat behavior, and will report several times isPressed() in case a key is kept pressed for a long time if this is allowed by the target platform.

@:value(18)staticinlineread onlyALT:Int = 18

@:value(66)staticinlineread onlyB:Int = 66

@:value(8)staticinlineread onlyBACKSPACE:Int = 8

@:value(67)staticinlineread onlyC:Int = 67

@:value(20)staticinlineread onlyCAPS_LOCK:Int = 20

@:value(93)staticinlineread onlyCONTEXT_MENU:Int = 93

@:value(17)staticinlineread onlyCTRL:Int = 17

@:value(68)staticinlineread onlyD:Int = 68

@:value(46)staticinlineread onlyDELETE:Int = 46

@:value(40)staticinlineread onlyDOWN:Int = 40

@:value(69)staticinlineread onlyE:Int = 69

@:value(35)staticinlineread onlyEND:Int = 35

@:value(13)staticinlineread onlyENTER:Int = 13

@:value(27)staticinlineread onlyESCAPE:Int = 27

@:value(70)staticinlineread onlyF:Int = 70

@:value(112)staticinlineread onlyF1:Int = 112

@:value(121)staticinlineread onlyF10:Int = 121

@:value(122)staticinlineread onlyF11:Int = 122

@:value(123)staticinlineread onlyF12:Int = 123

@:value(124)staticinlineread onlyF13:Int = 124

@:value(125)staticinlineread onlyF14:Int = 125

@:value(126)staticinlineread onlyF15:Int = 126

@:value(127)staticinlineread onlyF16:Int = 127

@:value(128)staticinlineread onlyF17:Int = 128

@:value(129)staticinlineread onlyF18:Int = 129

@:value(130)staticinlineread onlyF19:Int = 130

@:value(113)staticinlineread onlyF2:Int = 113

@:value(131)staticinlineread onlyF20:Int = 131

@:value(132)staticinlineread onlyF21:Int = 132

@:value(133)staticinlineread onlyF22:Int = 133

@:value(134)staticinlineread onlyF23:Int = 134

@:value(135)staticinlineread onlyF24:Int = 135

@:value(114)staticinlineread onlyF3:Int = 114

@:value(115)staticinlineread onlyF4:Int = 115

@:value(116)staticinlineread onlyF5:Int = 116

@:value(117)staticinlineread onlyF6:Int = 117

@:value(118)staticinlineread onlyF7:Int = 118

@:value(119)staticinlineread onlyF8:Int = 119

@:value(120)staticinlineread onlyF9:Int = 120

@:value(71)staticinlineread onlyG:Int = 71

@:value(72)staticinlineread onlyH:Int = 72

@:value(36)staticinlineread onlyHOME:Int = 36

@:value(73)staticinlineread onlyI:Int = 73

@:value(45)staticinlineread onlyINSERT:Int = 45

@:value(226)staticinlineread onlyINTL_BACKSLASH:Int = 226

@:value(74)staticinlineread onlyJ:Int = 74

@:value(75)staticinlineread onlyK:Int = 75

@:value(76)staticinlineread onlyL:Int = 76

@:value(ALT | LOC_LEFT)staticinlineread onlyLALT:Int = ALT | LOC_LEFT

@:value(CTRL | LOC_LEFT)staticinlineread onlyLCTRL:Int = CTRL | LOC_LEFT

@:value(37)staticinlineread onlyLEFT:Int = 37

@:value(91)staticinlineread onlyLEFT_WINDOW_KEY:Int = 91

@:value(256)staticinlineread onlyLOC_LEFT:Int = 256

a bit that is set for left keys

@:value(512)staticinlineread onlyLOC_RIGHT:Int = 512

a bit that is set for right keys

@:value(SHIFT | LOC_LEFT)staticinlineread onlyLSHIFT:Int = SHIFT | LOC_LEFT

@:value(77)staticinlineread onlyM:Int = 77

@:value(3)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_BACK:Int = 3

@:value(4)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_FORWARD:Int = 4

@:value(0)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_LEFT:Int = 0

@:value(2)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_MIDDLE:Int = 2

@:value(1)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_RIGHT:Int = 1

@:value(6)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN:Int = 6

Mouse wheel does not have an off signal, and should be checked only through isPressed method. Note that there may be multiple wheel scrolls between 2 frames, and to receive more accurate results, it is recommended to directly listen to wheel events which also provide OS-generated wheel delta value. See Interactive.onWheel for per-interactive events. For scene-based see Scene.addEventListener when event is EWheel. For global hook use Window.addEventTarget method.

@:value(5)staticinlineread onlyMOUSE_WHEEL_UP:Int = 5

Mouse wheel does not have an off signal, and should be checked only through isPressed method. Note that there may be multiple wheel scrolls between 2 frames, and to receive more accurate results, it is recommended to directly listen to wheel events which also provide OS-generated wheel delta value. See Interactive.onWheel for per-interactive events. For scene-based see Scene.addEventListener when event is EWheel. For global hook use Window.addEventTarget method.

@:value(78)staticinlineread onlyN:Int = 78

@:value(48)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_0:Int = 48

@:value(49)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_1:Int = 49

@:value(50)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_2:Int = 50

@:value(51)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_3:Int = 51

@:value(52)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_4:Int = 52

@:value(53)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_5:Int = 53

@:value(54)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_6:Int = 54

@:value(55)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_7:Int = 55

@:value(56)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_8:Int = 56

@:value(57)staticinlineread onlyNUMBER_9:Int = 57

@:value(96)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_0:Int = 96

@:value(97)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_1:Int = 97

@:value(98)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_2:Int = 98

@:value(99)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_3:Int = 99

@:value(100)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_4:Int = 100

@:value(101)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_5:Int = 101

@:value(102)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_6:Int = 102

@:value(103)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_7:Int = 103

@:value(104)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_8:Int = 104

@:value(105)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_9:Int = 105

@:value(107)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_ADD:Int = 107

@:value(111)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_DIV:Int = 111

@:value(110)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_DOT:Int = 110

@:value(108)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_ENTER:Int = 108

@:value(106)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_MULT:Int = 106

@:value(109)staticinlineread onlyNUMPAD_SUB:Int = 109

@:value(144)staticinlineread onlyNUM_LOCK:Int = 144

@:value(79)staticinlineread onlyO:Int = 79

@:value(80)staticinlineread onlyP:Int = 80

@:value(19)staticinlineread onlyPAUSE_BREAK:Int = 19

@:value(34)staticinlineread onlyPGDOWN:Int = 34

@:value(33)staticinlineread onlyPGUP:Int = 33

@:value(81)staticinlineread onlyQ:Int = 81

@:value(220)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_BACKSLASH:Int = 220

@:value(219)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_BRACKET_LEFT:Int = 219

@:value(221)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_BRACKET_RIGHT:Int = 221

@:value(188)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_COMMA:Int = 188

@:value(187)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_EQUALS:Int = 187

@:value(189)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_MINUS:Int = 189

@:value(190)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_PERIOD:Int = 190

@:value(222)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_QUOTE:Int = 222

@:value(186)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_SEMICOLON:Int = 186

@:value(191)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_SLASH:Int = 191

@:value(192)staticinlineread onlyQWERTY_TILDE:Int = 192

@:value(82)staticinlineread onlyR:Int = 82

@:value(ALT | LOC_RIGHT)staticinlineread onlyRALT:Int = ALT | LOC_RIGHT

@:value(CTRL | LOC_RIGHT)staticinlineread onlyRCTRL:Int = CTRL | LOC_RIGHT

@:value(39)staticinlineread onlyRIGHT:Int = 39

@:value(92)staticinlineread onlyRIGHT_WINDOW_KEY:Int = 92

@:value(SHIFT | LOC_RIGHT)staticinlineread onlyRSHIFT:Int = SHIFT | LOC_RIGHT

@:value(83)staticinlineread onlyS:Int = 83

@:value(145)staticinlineread onlySCROLL_LOCK:Int = 145

@:value(16)staticinlineread onlySHIFT:Int = 16

@:value(32)staticinlineread onlySPACE:Int = 32

@:value(84)staticinlineread onlyT:Int = 84

@:value(9)staticinlineread onlyTAB:Int = 9

@:value(85)staticinlineread onlyU:Int = 85

@:value(38)staticinlineread onlyUP:Int = 38

@:value(86)staticinlineread onlyV:Int = 86

@:value(87)staticinlineread onlyW:Int = 87

@:value(88)staticinlineread onlyX:Int = 88

@:value(89)staticinlineread onlyY:Int = 89

@:value(90)staticinlineread onlyZ:Int = 90

Static methods






