Object trees
Objects can be added to a scene (here h2d.Scene
) directly or be added to another h2d.Object
creating an object tree.
The child objects will inherit the transformations of the parent object they have been added to. This means whenever the parent transforms (changing the position, rotation, alpha=transparency or turning it invisible etc.) these transformations also apply to all the children that have been added to this parent object.
Sample 1
class Main extends hxd.App { // ObjectTrees var parent_obj : h2d.Object; var a_child_obj : h2d.Object; static function main() { new Main(); } override function init() { // parent object placed on `s2d` var tile = h2d.Tile.fromColor( 0x0000FF, 120, 120 ); var b = new h2d.Bitmap( tile, s2d ); b.setPosition( s2d.width/2, s2d.height/2 ); parent_obj = b; // save reference // 1. child (label for parent) var t = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), b ); t.text = "parent object"; // 2. child ("sub-bitmap") var tile = h2d.Tile.fromColor( 0x00FF00, 45, 45 ); var bb = new h2d.Bitmap( tile, b ); bb.setPosition( 30, 50 ); // will be relative to parent! // save second reference a_child_obj = bb; // 3. child (label for "sub-bitmap") var t = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), bb ); t.text = "\"sub-bitmap\""; // control buttons var flow = new h2d.Flow( s2d ); flow.layout = h2d.Flow.FlowLayout.Vertical; var add_button = (infotext:String) -> { var ia = new h2d.Interactive( 250, 32, flow ); var t = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), ia ); t.text = infotext; return ia; }; var bt = add_button( "rotate parent object (click here)" ); bt.onClick = (e)->{ parent_obj.rotate( 0.2 ); }; var bt = add_button( "rotate child object (click here)" ); bt.onClick = (e)->{ a_child_obj.rotate( 0.2 ); }; var bt = add_button( "random alpha for child object (click here)" ); bt.onClick = (e)->{ a_child_obj.alpha = 0.1 + hxd.Math.random( 0.9 ); }; } }
Sample 2
The second sample here is a demonstration of how object trees are useful when finally having many objects "treed" together. Referencing single objects within the tree allows controlling all sub-branches of the tree, also making programming easy and powerful.
class Main extends hxd.App { // object references var clock : h2d.Graphics; var npc : h2d.Graphics; // more control variables var clock_deltaScale = -0.01; var npc_moveX : Float = 0; var npc_moveY : Float = 0; var npc_deltaAlpha : Float = -0.01; var transitionsActive : Bool = false; //var npc_trans static function main() { new Main(); } override function init() { clock = new h2d.Graphics( s2d ); clock.beginFill( 0x505050 ); clock.drawCircle( 0, 0, 90 ); clock.endFill(); clock.setPosition( 100, 100 ); var face = new h2d.Graphics( clock ); face.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF ); face.drawCircle( 0, 0, 85 ); face.endFill(); var tile = h2d.Tile.fromColor( 0x0, 75, 12 ); tile.dy = -6; var handHours = new h2d.Bitmap( tile, clock ); handHours.rotation = 1.5*Math.PI; var tile = h2d.Tile.fromColor( 0x0, 80, 8 ); tile.dy = -4; var handMinutes = new h2d.Bitmap( tile, clock ); var t = new haxe.Timer(1000); // simple Haxe timer for calling a function to move the hands t.run = ()->{ handHours.rotate( Math.PI/3600 ); handMinutes.rotate( Math.PI/60 ); }; // ball on hand for minutes will move with the hand/indicator var g = new h2d.Graphics( handMinutes ); // because it's its child g.setPosition( 60, 0 ); g.beginFill( 0x0 ); g.drawCircle( 0, 0, 8 ); npc = new h2d.Graphics( s2d ); npc.setPosition( 300, 300 ); // NPC's face npc.beginFill( 0xFFFF00 ); npc.drawCircle( 0, 0, 40 ); // first eye npc.beginFill( 0x0 ); npc.drawCircle( -20, 0, 7 ); // second eye npc.beginFill( 0x0 ); npc.drawCircle( 20, 0, 7 ); // a happy mouth npc.beginFill( 0x0 ); npc.drawPie( 0, 10, 15, 0*Math.PI, 1*Math.PI ); // and some eye sparkle npc.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF ); npc.drawCircle( -20, -5, 3 ); npc.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF ); npc.drawCircle( 20, -5, 3 ); var healthbar = new h2d.Graphics( npc ); healthbar.setPosition(-50,-70); healthbar.beginFill( 0xFF0000 ); healthbar.drawRect( 0, 0, 100, 20 ); healthbar.beginFill( 0x00FF00 ); healthbar.drawRect( 0, 0, 70, 20 ); var healthbar_label = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), healthbar ); healthbar_label.text = "NPC\n70 lifepoints left"; healthbar_label.setPosition( 0, -32 ); var npc_moveVectorLabel = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), npc ); npc_moveVectorLabel.setPosition(-50,50); // defining a timer to change the NPC's movement vector var t = new haxe.Timer(3*1000); // change moving direction every 5 seconds t.run = ()->{ npc_moveX = Math.round( ((-1+(Math.random()*2))) * 100) / 100; npc_moveY = Math.round( ((-1+(Math.random()*2))) * 100) / 100; npc_moveVectorLabel.text = 'move vector (x: ${npc_moveX}, y: ${npc_moveY})'; }; // button to control additional transitions (clock size & NPC alpha) var button = new h2d.Interactive( 200, 48, s2d ); button.backgroundColor = 0xFF0000FF; button.setPosition( 0, s2d.height - 48 ); var t = new h2d.Text( hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(), button ); t.text = "Click to activate\nall transitions"; button.onClick = (e) -> { transitionsActive = !transitionsActive; t.text = 'changes on clock scale\n& NPC\'s alpha: ${ ( transitionsActive ? "active" : "inactive" ) }'; }; } override function update(dt:Float) { super.update(dt); // clock movement clock.x += 0.2; if( clock.x>400 ) clock.x = 100; // npc movement npc.x += npc_moveX; npc.y += npc_moveY; // npc never leaves scene if( npc.x < 0 || npc.y < 0 || npc.x > s2d.width || npc.y > s2d.height ) npc.setPosition( 300, 300 ); // additional transitions: clock size & NPC alpha if( transitionsActive ){ // npc changes transparency if( npc.alpha < 0.1 || npc.alpha > 1 ) npc_deltaAlpha = -npc_deltaAlpha; npc.alpha += npc_deltaAlpha; // clock changes size if( clock.scaleX < 0.8 || clock.scaleX > 1 ) clock_deltaScale = -clock_deltaScale; clock.scaleX += clock_deltaScale; clock.scaleY += clock_deltaScale; } } }
Have a look at the last block of code after if( transitionsActive ){
Note that we only changed the clock
s scale and npc
's alpha
and all their children – though very own objects – changed with them!
Side note: Here by using haxe.Timer
we rely on simple Haxe API to provide another way besides the update
method to make changes