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Sample games for learning

Sample games that demonstrate how to use Heaps to make very basic games of different genres.

Copy & paste game templates

This section is about copy-and-paste games. They don't require any resources and can be compiled directly on your local machine just after copying and pasting the respective code snippet.

Games with resources

Basic templates

These templates provide a basic template to develop a kind of game or genre.

Simple games

These are simple games with a basic win or lose condition or an ending to the game.

  • Breakout

    This is a very basic template for a breakout clone. The principle is inspired by the Atari Breakout video game from 1976>)...

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  • Platform game

    A template for a very basic platform game...

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  • Rogue

    This is a simple template to make a game inspired by Rogue from 1980>), thus to make a roguelike...

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