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Example AdjustColor

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With Heaps it is easy to change colors of bitmaps using the drawable.adjustColor function. This is a convenience method for changing the color matrix (drawable.colorMatrix) which allows to do even more advanced color transformations.

class AdjustColor extends SampleApp {

  var hue = 0.;
  var sat = 0.;
  var bright = 0.;
  var contrast = 0.;

  var bmps : Array<h2d.Bitmap>;

  override function init() {

    engine.backgroundColor = 0x404040;

    bmps = [];
    for( i in 0...4 ) {
      var gradient = new hxd.BitmapData(256, 256);
      var red = (i + 1) & 1;
      var green = ((i + 1) >> 1) & 1;
      var blue = (i + 1) >> 2;
      for( x in 0...gradient.width )
        for( y in 0...gradient.height )
          gradient.setPixel(x,y, 0xFF000000 | ((x << 16) * red) | ((y << 8) * green) | (((x + y) >> 1) * blue));

      var bmp = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromBitmap(gradient), s2d);
      bmp.x = 50 + (i&1) * 270;
      bmp.y = 100 + (i >> 1) * 270;

    addSlider("Hue", function() return hue, function(s) hue = s, -180, 180);
    addSlider("Saturation", function() return sat, function(s) sat = s, -100, 100);
    addSlider("Brightness", function() return bright, function(s) bright = s, -100, 100);
    addSlider("Contrast", function() return contrast, function(s) contrast = s, -100, 100);

  override function update(dt:Float) {
    for( b in bmps )
      b.adjustColor({ saturation : sat / 100, lightness : bright / 100, hue : hue * Math.PI / 180, contrast : contrast / 100 });

  public static function main() {
    new AdjustColor();


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