Example Base3D
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3d applications can be created by extending hxd.App
and then you can attach meshes to s3d
, which is the root scene for 3d.
import h3d.scene.*; class Base3D extends SampleApp { var time : Float = 0.; var obj1 : Mesh; var obj2 : Mesh; override function init() { super.init(); // creates a new unit cube var prim = new h3d.prim.Cube(); // translate it so its center will be at the center of the cube prim.translate( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5); // unindex the faces to create hard edges normals prim.unindex(); // add face normals prim.addNormals(); // add texture coordinates prim.addUVs(); // accesss the logo resource and convert it to a texture var tex = hxd.Res.hxlogo.toTexture(); // create a material with this texture var mat = h3d.mat.Material.create(tex); // our first cube mesh on the 3D scene with our created material obj1 = new Mesh(prim, mat, s3d); // creates another cube, this time with no texture obj2 = new Mesh(prim, s3d); // set the second cube color obj2.material.color.setColor(0xFFB280); // put it above the first cube obj2.z = 0.7; // scale it down to 60% obj2.scale(0.6); // adds a directional light to the scene var light = new h3d.scene.fwd.DirLight(new h3d.Vector(0.5, 0.5, -0.5), s3d); light.enableSpecular = true; // set the ambient light to 30% cast(s3d.lightSystem,h3d.scene.fwd.LightSystem).ambientLight.set(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); // disable shadows obj1.material.shadows = false; obj2.material.shadows = false; if (engine.driver.hasFeature(Wireframe)) { addCheck("Wireframe", function() { return obj2.material.mainPass.wireframe; }, function(v) { obj2.material.mainPass.wireframe = v; }); } } override function update( dt : Float ) { // time is flying... time += 0.6 * dt; // move the camera position around the two cubes var dist = 5; s3d.camera.pos.set(Math.cos(time) * dist, Math.sin(time) * dist, dist * 0.7 * Math.sin(time)); // rotate the second cube along a given axis + angle obj2.setRotationAxis(-0.5, 2, Math.cos(time), time + Math.PI / 2); } static function main() { // initialize embeded ressources hxd.Res.initEmbed(); // start the application new Base3D(); } }