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Example Filters

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Heaps has several build-in filters. Of course its possible to create your own, see filters in the documentation

import hxd.Key in K;

class Filters extends hxd.App {

  var obj : h2d.Object;
  var bmp : h2d.Bitmap;
  var mask : h2d.Graphics;
  var disp : h2d.Tile;

  override function init() {
    engine.backgroundColor = 0x002000;

    mask = new h2d.Graphics(s2d);
    mask.beginFill(0xFF0000, 0.5);
    mask.drawCircle(0, 0, 60);
    mask.x = s2d.width*0.5-20;
    mask.y = s2d.height*0.5-50;

    obj = new h2d.Object(s2d);
    obj.x = s2d.width * 0.5;
    obj.y = s2d.height * 0.5;

    bmp = new h2d.Bitmap(hxd.Res.hxlogo.toTile(), obj);
    bmp.colorKey = 0xFFFFFF;

    disp = hxd.Res.normalmap.toTile();

    var help = new h2d.Text(hxd.Res.customFont.toFont(), s2d);
    help.x = help.y = 5;
    help.text = "0:Disable 1:Blur 2:Glow 3:DropShadow 4:Displacement 5:Glow(Knockout) 6:Mix 7:ColorMatrix 8:Mask +/-:Scale";

  override function update(dt:Float) {
    for( i in 0...10 )
      if( K.isPressed(K.NUMBER_0 + i) || K.isPressed(K.NUMPAD_0+i) )
    if( K.isPressed(K.NUMPAD_ADD) ) {
      bmp.scale(1 / 1.25);
    if( K.isPressed(K.NUMPAD_SUB) ) {
      obj.scale(1 / 1.25);
      if( obj.scaleX < 1 ) {
    bmp.x = -bmp.tile.width * 0.5 * bmp.scaleX;
    bmp.y = -bmp.tile.height * 0.5 * bmp.scaleY;
    disp.scrollDiscrete(1.2 * dt, 2.4 * dt);

  function setFilters(i) {
    switch( i ) {
    case 0:
      obj.filter = null;
    case 1:
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.Blur(5);
    case 2:
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.Glow(0xFFFFFF, 100, 5);
    case 3:
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.DropShadow(8,Math.PI/4);
    case 4:
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.Displacement(disp,4,4);
    case 5:
      var g = new h2d.filter.Glow(0xFFFFFF, 100, 2);
      g.knockout = true;
      obj.filter = g;
    case 6:
      var g = new h2d.filter.Glow(0xFFA500, 50, 2);
      g.knockout = true;
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.Group([g, new h2d.filter.Displacement(disp, 3, 3), new h2d.filter.Blur(3), new h2d.filter.DropShadow(8, Math.PI / 4)]);
    case 7:
      var m = new h3d.Matrix();
      m.colorHue(Math.PI / 4);
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.ColorMatrix(m);
    case 8:
      obj.filter = new h2d.filter.Mask(mask);

  static function main() {
    new Filters();


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