Example GraphicsDraw
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The Graphics class contains methods used to draw primitive shapes such as lines, circles and rectangles
class GraphicsDraw extends hxd.App { var bclone : h2d.Bitmap; var texture : h3d.mat.Texture; var pg : h2d.Graphics; override function init() { var g = new h2d.Graphics(s2d); g.beginFill(0xFF0000); g.drawRect(10, 10, 100, 100); g.beginFill(0x00FF00, 0.5); g.lineStyle(1, 0xFF00FF); g.drawCircle(100, 100, 30); g.endFill(); // check pie + draw texture var g = new h2d.Graphics(s2d); var bmp = new hxd.BitmapData(64, 64); for( x in 0...64 ) for( y in 0...64 ) bmp.setPixel(x, y, 0xFF000000 | (x * 4) | ((y * 4) << 8)); var tile = h2d.Tile.fromBitmap(bmp); bmp.dispose(); g.lineStyle(); g.beginTileFill(-32,-32,tile); g.drawPie(0, 0, 32, Math.PI / 3, Math.PI * 5 / 4); g.endFill(); g.beginTileFill(100, -64, 2, 2, tile); g.drawRect(100, -64, 128, 128); g.endFill(); g.x = 200; g.y = 100; // check the size and alignment of scaled bitmaps var bmp = new hxd.BitmapData(256, 256); bmp.clear(0xFFFF00FF); bmp.fill(19, 21, 13, 15, 0xFF202020); bmp.fill(19, 20, 13, 1, 0xFFFF0000); bmp.fill(18, 21, 1, 15, 0xFF00FF00); bmp.fill(19+13, 21, 1, 15, 0xFF0000FF); bmp.fill(19, 21 + 15, 13, 1, 0xFF00FFFF); var tile = h2d.Tile.fromBitmap(bmp); bmp.dispose(); var b = new h2d.Bitmap(tile.sub(19, 21, 13, 15), s2d); b.x = 200; b.y = 200; b.scale(32); var b = new h2d.Bitmap(tile.sub(18, 20, 15, 17), s2d); b.x = 300; b.y = 300; b.scale(13); // check drawTo texture texture = new h3d.mat.Texture(256, 256,[Target]); var b = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromTexture(texture), s2d); b.y = 256; // test capture bitmap bclone = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromTexture(new h3d.mat.Texture(256, 256)), s2d); bclone.y = 512; // set up graphics instance for use in redraw() pg = new h2d.Graphics(); pg.filter = new h2d.filter.Blur(2,2,10); pg.beginFill(0xFF8040, 0.8); } function redraw(t:h3d.mat.Texture) { pg.clear(); for( i in 0...100 ) { var r = (0.1 + Math.random()) * 10; var s = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; var a = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; pg.drawPie(Math.random() * 256, Math.random() * 256, r, s, a); } pg.drawTo(t); var pix = t.capturePixels(); bclone.tile.getTexture().uploadPixels(pix); pix.dispose(); } override function update(dt:Float) { redraw(texture); } static function main() { new GraphicsDraw(); } }