Example Input
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Heaps includes a custom inputfield
class Input extends hxd.App { var input : h2d.TextInput; var debug : h2d.Text; override function init() { engine.backgroundColor = 0x202020; var font = hxd.res.DefaultFont.get(); var console = new h2d.Console(font, s2d); console.addCommand("hello", "Prints the correct answer", [], function() console.log("World", 0xFF00FF)); debug = new h2d.Text(font, s2d); debug.scale(2); debug.x = debug.y = 5; input = new h2d.TextInput(font, s2d); input.backgroundColor = 0x80808080; // input.inputWidth = 100; input.text = "Click to édit"; input.textColor = 0xAAAAAA; input.scale(2); input.x = input.y = 50; input.onFocus = function(_) { input.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; } input.onFocusLost = function(_) { input.textColor = 0xAAAAAA; } input.onChange = function() { while( input.text.length > 20 ) input.text = input.text.substr(0, -1); } } function getKeyName(id) { var name = hxd.Key.getKeyName(id); if( name == null ) name = "#"+id; return name; } override function update(dt:Float) { // check special keys state debug.text = "Cursor: " + input.cursorIndex + ", Sel: " + input.getSelectedText()+", Touch screen: " + hxd.System.getValue(IsTouch) + ", Down: "+[for( i in 0...1024 ) if( hxd.Key.isDown(i) ) getKeyName(i)].join(","); } static function main() { new Input(); } }