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Example Interactive

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Heaps has support for 2d interaction events and 3d interaction events.

//PARAM=-D resourcesPath=../../skin_res

class Interactive extends SampleApp {

  var interactives : Array<h3d.scene.Interactive> = [];
  var showDebug = false;

  var rnd : hxd.Rand;
  var light : h3d.scene.fwd.DirLight;
  var obj : h3d.scene.Object;
  var b : h2d.Interactive;

  function initInteract( i : h3d.scene.Interactive, m : h3d.scene.Mesh ) {
    var beacon = null;
    var color = m.material.color.clone();
    i.bestMatch = true;
    i.onOver = function(e : hxd.Event) {
      m.material.color.set(0, 1, 0);
      var s = new h3d.prim.Sphere(1, 32, 32);
      beacon = new h3d.scene.Mesh(s, s3d);
      beacon.material.mainPass.enableLights = true;
      beacon.material.color.set(1, 0, 0);
      beacon.x = e.relX;
      beacon.y = e.relY;
      beacon.z = e.relZ;
    i.onMove = i.onCheck = function(e:hxd.Event) {
      if( beacon == null ) return;
      beacon.x = e.relX;
      beacon.y = e.relY;
      beacon.z = e.relZ;
    i.onOut = function(e : hxd.Event) {
      beacon = null;
    if( showDebug )
      i.showDebug = showDebug;

  override function init() {
    light = new h3d.scene.fwd.DirLight(new h3d.Vector( 0.3, -0.4, -0.9), s3d);
    light.enableSpecular = true;
    light.color.set(0.28, 0.28, 0.28);

    cast(s3d.lightSystem,h3d.scene.fwd.LightSystem).ambientLight.set(0.74, 0.74, 0.74);

    rnd = new hxd.Rand(5);
    for(i in 0...8) {
      var c = if( rnd.random(2) == 0 ) new h3d.prim.Cube() else new h3d.prim.Sphere(1, 30, 20);
      var m = new h3d.scene.Mesh(c, s3d);
      m.x = rnd.srand() * 0.9;
      m.y = rnd.srand() * 0.9;
      m.scale(0.25 + rnd.rand() * 0.3);
      if( i & 1 == 0 )
        m.rotate(0.25, 0.5, 0.8);
      m.material.mainPass.enableLights = true;

      m.material.shadows = true;
      var c = 0.3 + rnd.rand() * 0.3;
      var color = new h3d.Vector4(c, c * 0.6, c * 0.6);

      var interact = new h3d.scene.Interactive(m.getCollider(), s3d);
      initInteract(interact, m);

    // A cylinder with a capsule collider
      var cradius = 0.5;
      var cheight = 1;
      var c = new h3d.prim.Cylinder(20, cradius, cheight);
      var m = new h3d.scene.Mesh(c, s3d);
      m.y = 1.2;
      m.scale(0.25 + rnd.rand() * 0.3);
      m.rotate(-0.25, -0.5, -0.8);
      m.material.mainPass.enableLights = true;

      m.material.shadows = true;
      var c = 0.3 + rnd.rand() * 0.3;
      var color = new h3d.Vector4(c, c * 0.6, c * 0.6);

      var p1 = new h3d.col.Point(0, 0, cheight);
      var p2 = new h3d.col.Point(0, 0, 0);
      var col = new h3d.col.Capsule(p1, p2, cradius);

      var interact = new h3d.scene.Interactive(new h3d.col.ObjectCollider(m, col), s3d);
      initInteract(interact, m);

    // A sphere with bounds (box/square collider)
      var c = new h3d.prim.Sphere(0.5, 15, 10);
      var m = new h3d.scene.Mesh(c, s3d);
      m.x = 0.3;
      m.y = -1.2;
      m.material.mainPass.enableLights = true;

      m.material.shadows = true;
      var c = 0.3 + rnd.rand() * 0.3;
      var color = new h3d.Vector4(c, c * 0.6, c * 0.6);

      var col = m.getBounds();
      var interact = new h3d.scene.Interactive(col, s3d);
      initInteract(interact, m);

    var cache = new h3d.prim.ModelCache();
    obj = cache.loadModel(hxd.Res.Model);
    obj.scale(1 / 20);
    obj.rotate(0,0,Math.PI / 2);
    obj.y = 0.2;
    obj.z = 0.2;

    obj.playAnimation(cache.loadAnimation(hxd.Res.Model)).speed = 0.1;

    for( o in obj ) {
      var m = o.toMesh();
      var i = new h3d.scene.Interactive(m.getCollider(), s3d);
      initInteract(i, m);

    b = new h2d.Interactive(150, 100, s2d);
    b.backgroundColor = 0x80204060;
    b.rotation = Math.PI / 3;
    //b.scaleX = 1.5; // TODO

    var pix = null;
    b.onOver = function(e) {
      var t = h2d.Tile.fromColor(0xFF0000, 3, 3);
      t.dx = -1;
      t.dy = -1;
      pix = new h2d.Bitmap(t, b);
      pix.x = e.relX;
      pix.y = e.relY;
    b.onMove = function(e) {
      if( pix == null ) return;
      pix.x = e.relX;
      pix.y = e.relY;
    b.onOut = function(e) {
      pix = null;

    addCheck("Show Debug Colliders", function() { return showDebug; }, function(v) { setDebug(v); });

    new h3d.scene.CameraController(s3d).loadFromCamera();

  function setDebug(showDebug) {
    this.showDebug = showDebug;
    for( i in interactives )
      i.showDebug = showDebug;

  override function onResize() {
    b.x = (s2d.width >> 1) - 200;
    b.y = 150;

  override function update(dt:Float) {
    obj.rotate(0, 0, 0.12 * dt);

  static function main() {
    new Interactive();

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