Example Pbr
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Physically based rendering
class Pbr extends SampleApp { var hue : Float; var saturation : Float; var brightness : Float; var color : h2d.Bitmap; var sphere : h3d.scene.Mesh; var grid : h3d.scene.Object; var env : h3d.scene.pbr.Environment; var renderer : h3d.scene.pbr.Renderer; function new() { h3d.mat.MaterialSetup.current = new h3d.mat.PbrMaterialSetup(); super(); } override function init() { super.init(); new h3d.scene.CameraController(5.5, s3d); #if flash new h2d.Text(getFont(), s2d).text = "Not supported on this platform (requires render to mipmap target and fragment textureCubeLod support)"; return; #end #if js if( !engine.driver.hasFeature(ShaderModel3) ) { new h2d.Text(getFont(), s2d).text = "WebGL 2.0 support required and not available on this browser."; return; } #end var sp = new h3d.prim.Sphere(1, 128, 128); sp.addNormals(); sp.addUVs(); var bg = new h3d.scene.Mesh(sp, s3d); bg.scale(10); bg.material.mainPass.culling = Front; bg.material.mainPass.setPassName("overlay"); fui = new h2d.Flow(s2d); fui.y = 5; fui.verticalSpacing = 5; fui.layout = Vertical; var envMap = new h3d.mat.Texture(512, 512, [Cube]); inline function set(face:Int, res:hxd.res.Image) { var pix = res.getPixels(); envMap.uploadPixels(pix, 0, face); } set(0, hxd.Res.front); set(1, hxd.Res.back); set(2, hxd.Res.right); set(3, hxd.Res.left); set(4, hxd.Res.top); set(5, hxd.Res.bottom); var axis = new h3d.scene.Graphics(s3d); axis.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000); axis.lineTo(2, 0, 0); axis.lineStyle(2, 0x00FF00); axis.moveTo(0, 0, 0); axis.lineTo(0, 2, 0); axis.lineStyle(2, 0x0000FF); axis.moveTo(0, 0, 0); axis.lineTo(0, 0, 2); axis.material.props = h3d.mat.MaterialSetup.current.getDefaults("ui"); axis.visible = false; axis.material.mainPass.depthWrite = true; env = new h3d.scene.pbr.Environment(envMap); env.compute(); renderer = cast(s3d.renderer, h3d.scene.pbr.Renderer); renderer.env = env; var cubeShader = bg.material.mainPass.addShader(new h3d.shader.pbr.CubeLod(env.env)); var light = new h3d.scene.pbr.PointLight(s3d); light.setPosition(30, 10, 40); light.range = 100; light.power = 2; var pbrValues = new h3d.shader.pbr.PropsValues(0.2,0.5); hue = 0; saturation = 0; brightness = 0.2; function addSphere(x,y) { var sphere = new h3d.scene.Mesh(sp, s3d); sphere.x = x; sphere.y = y; return sphere; } sphere = addSphere(0, 0); sphere.material.mainPass.addShader(pbrValues); grid = new h3d.scene.Object(s3d); var max = 8; for( x in 0...max ) for( y in 0...max ) { var s = addSphere(x - (max - 1) * 0.5, y - (max - 1) * 0.5); grid.addChild(s); s.scale(0.4); s.material.mainPass.addShader(new h3d.shader.pbr.PropsValues( 1 - x / (max - 1), 1 - y / (max - 1) )); } grid.visible = false; // camera addSlider("Exposure", function() return renderer.exposure, function(v) renderer.exposure = v, -3, 3); addSlider("Sky", function() return env.power, function(v) env.power = v, 0, 3); addSlider("Light", function() return light.power, function(v) light.power = v, 0, 10); // material color color = new h2d.Bitmap(h2d.Tile.fromColor(0xFFFFFF, 30, 30), fui); fui.getProperties(color).paddingLeft = 150; addSlider("Hue", function() return hue, function(v) hue = v, 0, Math.PI*2); addSlider("Saturation", function() return saturation, function(v) saturation = v); addSlider("Brightness", function() return brightness, function(v) brightness = v, -1, 1); addSlider("Metalness", function() return pbrValues.metalnessValue, function(v) pbrValues.metalnessValue = v); addSlider("Roughness", function() return pbrValues.roughnessValue, function(v) pbrValues.roughnessValue = v); // debug addCheck("Axis", function() return axis.visible, function(b) axis.visible = b); addCheck("Grid", function() return grid.visible, function(b) { grid.visible = !grid.visible; sphere.visible = !sphere.visible; }); var r = Math.sqrt(2); var cube = new h3d.prim.Cube(r,r,r); cube.unindex(); cube.addNormals(); cube.addUVs(); cube.translate( -r * 0.5, -r * 0.5, -r * 0.5); var prims : Array<h3d.prim.Primitive> = [sp, cube]; addChoice("Prim", ["Sphere","Cube"], function(i) sphere.primitive = prims[i], prims.indexOf(sphere.primitive)); addChoice("EnvMap", ["Default", "IDiff", "ISpec"], function(i) { cubeShader.texture = [env.env, env.diffuse, env.specular][i]; }); addSlider("EnvLod", function() return cubeShader.lod, function(v) cubeShader.lod = v, 0, env.specLevels); } function addSeparator() { fui.getProperties(fui.getChildAt(fui.numChildren - 1)).paddingBottom += 20; } override function update(dt:Float) { if( grid == null ) return; var color = new h3d.Vector(1, 0, 0); var m = new h3d.Matrix(); m.identity(); m.colorSaturate(saturation - 1); m.colorHue(hue); m.colorLightness(brightness); color.transform3x4(m); color.setColor(color.toColor()); // saturate this.color.color.load(color); this.sphere.material.color.load(color); for( s in grid ) s.toMesh().material.color.load(color); } // --------------------- static function main() { #if hl hxd.Res.initLocal(); #else hxd.Res.initEmbed(); #end new Pbr(); } }