Example Polygons
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Simple demonstration showing default geometric primitives in Heaps (use mouse keys to move camera)
import h3d.prim.Cube; import h3d.prim.Cylinder; import h3d.prim.Disc; import h3d.prim.GeoSphere; import h3d.prim.Grid; import h3d.prim.Sphere; import h3d.scene.CameraController; import h3d.scene.Mesh; import h3d.Vector; import hxd.Key; /** * Third person camera controller (top view) with arrow keys mapping */ class ThirdPersonCameraController extends CameraController { override function onEvent( e : hxd.Event ) { super.onEvent(e); // Third person camera arrow keys mapping if (e.keyCode == Key.UP) { var radian = Math.atan2((curPos.y - target.y), (curPos.x - target.x)); pan(Math.sin(radian), Math.cos(radian)); } if (e.keyCode == Key.LEFT) { var radian = Math.atan2((curPos.y - target.y), (curPos.x - target.x)); radian = radian - Math.PI / 2.0; pan(Math.sin(radian), Math.cos(radian)); } if (e.keyCode == Key.DOWN) { var radian = Math.atan2((curPos.y - target.y), (curPos.x - target.x)); radian = radian + Math.PI; pan(Math.sin(radian), Math.cos(radian)); } if (e.keyCode == Key.RIGHT) { var radian = Math.atan2((curPos.y - target.y), (curPos.x - target.x)); radian = radian + Math.PI / 2.0; pan(Math.sin(radian), Math.cos(radian)); } } } class Polygons extends hxd.App { var shadow : h3d.pass.DefaultShadowMap; var cameraCtrl : h3d.scene.CameraController; override function init() { // Grid var grid = new Grid(64, 64); grid.addNormals(); grid.addUVs(); var gridMesh = new Mesh(grid, s3d); gridMesh.material.color.setColor(0x999999); // Cube var cube = Cube.defaultUnitCube(); var cubeMesh = new Mesh(cube, s3d); cubeMesh.setPosition(16, 32, 0.5); cubeMesh.material.color.setColor(0xFFAA15); // Cylinder var cylinder = new Cylinder(16, 0.5); cylinder.addNormals(); cylinder.addUVs(); var cylinderMesh = new Mesh(cylinder, s3d); cylinderMesh.setPosition(24, 32, 0); cylinderMesh.material.color.setColor(0x6FFFB0); // Disc on top of cylinder var discTopCylinder = new Disc(0.5, 16); discTopCylinder.addNormals(); discTopCylinder.addUVs(); var discTopCylinderMesh = new Mesh(discTopCylinder, s3d); discTopCylinderMesh.setPosition(24, 32, 1); discTopCylinderMesh.material.color.setColor(0x6FFFB0); // Disc var disc = new Disc(0.5, 16); disc.addNormals(); disc.addUVs(); var discMesh = new Mesh(disc, s3d); discMesh.setPosition(32, 32, 0.1); discMesh.material.color.setColor(0x3D138D); // Geosphere var geosphere = new GeoSphere(); geosphere.addNormals(); geosphere.addUVs(); var geosphereMesh = new Mesh(geosphere, s3d); geosphereMesh.setPosition(40, 32, 0.6); geosphereMesh.material.color.setColor(0x00739D); // Sphere var sphere = new Sphere(0.5, 16, 16); sphere.addNormals(); sphere.addUVs(); var sphereMesh = new Mesh(sphere, s3d); sphereMesh.setPosition(48, 32, 0.5); sphereMesh.material.color.setColor(0xFF4040); // Lights var light = new h3d.scene.fwd.DirLight(new h3d.Vector( 0.3, -0.4, -0.9), s3d); cast(s3d.lightSystem,h3d.scene.fwd.LightSystem).ambientLight.setColor(0x909090); shadow = s3d.renderer.getPass(h3d.pass.DefaultShadowMap); shadow.size = 2048; shadow.power = 200; shadow.blur.radius= 0; shadow.bias *= 0.1; shadow.color.set(0.7, 0.7, 0.7); s3d.camera.target.set(32, 32, 0); s3d.camera.pos.set(80, 80, 48); cameraCtrl = new ThirdPersonCameraController(s3d); cameraCtrl.loadFromCamera(); } static function main() { new Polygons(); } }