Inherited Variables
Defined by Texture
When the texture is used as render target, tells which depth buffer will be used. If set to null, depth testing is disabled.
realloc:() ‑> Void
If this callback is set, the texture can be re-allocated when the 3D context has been lost or when it's been free because of lack of memory.
Inherited Methods
Defined by Texture
@:value({ mipLevel : 0, face : 0 })capturePixels(face:Int = 0, mipLevel:Int = 0, ?region:IBounds):Pixels
Downloads the current texture data from the GPU. Beware, this is a very slow operation that shouldn't be done during rendering.
@:value({ layer : -1, a : 0., b : 0., g : 0., r : 0. })clearF(r:Float = 0., g:Float = 0., b:Float = 0., a:Float = 0., layer:Int = -1):Void
In case of out of GPU memory, textures that hasn't been used for a long time will be disposed. Calling this will make this texture not considered for auto disposal.
@:value({ layer : 0, mipLevel : 0 })uploadBitmap(bmp:BitmapData, mipLevel:Int = 0, layer:Int = 0):Void
@:value({ layer : 0, mipLevel : 0 })uploadPixels(pixels:Pixels, mipLevel:Int = 0, layer:Int = 0):Void
waitLoad(f:() ‑> Void):Void
Some textures might take some time to load. You can check flags.has(Loading) or add a waitLoad callback which will get called either immediately if the texture is already loaded or when loading is complete.