Static methods
Inherited Variables
Defined by Graphics
@:value(0.25)bevel:Float = 0.25
Adds bevel cut-off at line corners.
The value is a percentile in range of 0...1, dictating at which point edges get beveled based on their angle. Value of 0 being not beveled and 1 being always beveled.
Defined by Drawable
The color multiplier for the drawable. Can be used to adjust individually each of the four channels R,G,B,A (default [1,1,1,1])
Setting colorAdd will add the amount of color of each channel R,G,B,A to the object pixels.
Setting a colorKey color value will discard all pixels that have this exact color in the tile.
Setting a colorMatrix will apply a color transformation. See also adjustColor
By enabling smoothing, scaling the object up or down will use hardware bilinear filtering resulting in a less crisp aspect.
By default smooth is null
in which case Scene.defaultSmooth
value is used.
Enables texture uv wrap for this Drawable, causing tiles with uv exceeding the texture size to repeat instead of clamping on edges.
Note that tileWrap
does not use the Tile
region as a wrapping area but instead uses underlying h3d.mat.Texture
This is due to implementation specifics, as it just sets the Texture.wrap
to either Repeat
or Clamp
Because of that, proper Tile tiling can be expected only when the tile covers an entire Texture area.
Defined by Object
A flag that indicates whether the object was allocated or not.
When adding children to allocated objects, onAdd
is being called immediately,
otherwise it's delayed until the whole tree is added to a currently active Scene
@:value(Alpha)blendMode:BlendMode = Alpha
The blending mode of the object.
If there is no Object.filter
active, only applies to the current object (not inherited by children).
Otherwise tells how the filter is blended with background.
The post process filter for this object.
When set, Object.alpha
value affects both filter and object transparency (use Drawable.color.a
to set transparency only for the object).
The name of the object. Can be used to retrieve an object within a tree by using Object.getObjectByName
The parent container of this object.
See Object.contentChanged
for more details.
A flag that indicates that the object transform was modified and absolute position recalculation is required.
Automatically cleared on Object.sync
and can be manually synced with the Object.syncPos
Inherited Methods
Defined by Graphics
@:value({ v : 0., u : 0. })addVertex(x:Float, y:Float, r:Float, g:Float, b:Float, a:Float, u:Float = 0., v:Float = 0.):Void
Advanced usage. Adds new vertex to the current polygon with given parameters and current line style.
x | Vertex X position |
y | Vertex Y position |
r | Red tint value of the vertex when performing fill operation. |
g | Green tint value of the vertex when performing fill operation. |
b | Blue tint value of the vertex when performing fill operation. |
a | Alpha of the vertex when performing fill operation. |
u | Normalized horizontal Texture position from the current Tile fill operation. |
v | Normalized vertical Texture position from the current Tile fill operation. |
@:value({ alpha : 1., color : 0 })beginFill(color:Int = 0, alpha:Float = 1.):Void
Begins a solid color fill.
Beginning new fill will finish previous fill operation without need to call Graphics.endFill
color | An RGB color with which to fill the drawn shapes. |
alpha | A transparency of the fill color. |
beginTileFill(?dx:Float, ?dy:Float, ?scaleX:Float, ?scaleY:Float, ?tile:Tile):Void
Position a virtual tile at the given position and scale. Every draw will display a part of this tile relative to these coordinates.
Note that in by default, Tile is not wrapped, and in order to render a tiling texture, Drawable.tileWrap
has to be set.
Additionally, both Tile.dx
and Tile.dy
are ignored (use dx
arguments instead)
as well as tile defined size of the tile through Tile.width
and Tile.height
(use scaleX
relative to texture size).
Beginning new fill will finish previous fill operation without need to call Graphics.endFill
dx | An X offset of the Tile relative to Graphics. |
dy | An Y offset of the Tile relative to Graphics. |
scaleX | A horizontal scale factor applied to the Tile texture. |
scaleY | A vertical scale factor applied to the Tile texture. |
tile | The tile to fill with. If null, uses previously used Tile with |
@:value({ nsegments : 40 })cubicCurveTo(bx:Float, by:Float, cx:Float, cy:Float, dx:Float, dy:Float, nsegments:Int = 40):Void
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current drawing position to the specified anchor point. IvanK Lib port ( )
bx | control X for start point |
by | control Y for start point |
cx | control X for end point |
cy | control Y for end point |
dx | end X |
dy | end Y |
nsegments | = 40 |
curveTo(bx:Float, by:Float, cx:Float, cy:Float):Void
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to (cx, cy) and using the control point that (bx, by) specifies. IvanK Lib port ( )
@:value({ nsegments : 0 })drawCircle(cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws a circle centered at given position.
cx | X center position of the circle. |
cy | Y center position of the circle. |
radius | Radius of the circle. |
nsegments | Amount of segments used to draw the circle. When |
@:value({ nsegments : 0, rotationAngle : 0 })drawEllipse(cx:Float, cy:Float, radiusX:Float, radiusY:Float, rotationAngle:Float = 0, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws an ellipse centered at given position.
cx | X center position of the ellipse. |
cy | Y center position of the ellipse. |
radiusX | Horizontal radius of an ellipse. |
radiusY | Vertical radius of an ellipse. |
rotationAngle | Ellipse rotation in radians. |
nsegments | Amount of segments used to draw an ellipse. When |
@:value({ nsegments : 0 })drawPie(cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, angleStart:Float, angleLength:Float, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws a pie centered at given position.
cx | X center position of the pie. |
cy | Y center position of the pie. |
radius | Radius of the pie. |
angleStart | Starting angle of the pie in radians. |
angleLength | The pie size in clockwise direction with |
nsegments | Amount of segments used to draw the pie. When |
@:value({ nsegments : 0 })drawPieInner(cx:Float, cy:Float, radius:Float, innerRadius:Float, angleStart:Float, angleLength:Float, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws a double-edged pie centered at given position.
cx | X center position of the pie. |
cy | Y center position of the pie. |
radius | The outer radius of the pie. |
innerRadius | The inner radius of the pie. |
angleStart | Starting angle of the pie in radians. |
angleLength | The pie size in clockwise direction with |
nsegments | Amount of segments used to draw the pie. When |
drawRect(x:Float, y:Float, w:Float, h:Float):Void
Draws a rectangle with given parameters.
x | The rectangle top-left corner X position. |
y | The rectangle top-left corner Y position. |
w | The rectangle width. |
h | The rectangle height. |
@:value({ nsegments : 0 })drawRectanglePie(cx:Float, cy:Float, width:Float, height:Float, angleStart:Float, angleLength:Float, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws a rectangular pie centered at given position.
cx | X center position of the pie. |
cy | Y center position of the pie. |
width | Width of the pie. |
height | Height of the pie. |
angleStart | Starting angle of the pie in radians. |
angleLength | The pie size in clockwise direction with |
nsegments | Amount of segments used to draw the pie. When |
@:value({ nsegments : 0 })drawRoundedRect(x:Float, y:Float, w:Float, h:Float, radius:Float, nsegments:Int = 0):Void
Draws a rounded rectangle with given parameters.
x | The rectangle top-left corner X position. |
y | The rectangle top-left corner Y position. |
w | The rectangle width. |
h | The rectangle height. |
radius | Radius of the rectangle corners. |
nsegments | Amount of segments used for corners. When |
drawTile(x:Float, y:Float, tile:Tile):Void
Draws a Tile at given position.
See Graphics.beginTileFill
for limitations.
This methods ends current fill operation.
x | The X position of the tile. |
y | The Y position of the tile. |
tile | The tile to draw. |
@:value({ alpha : 1., color : 0, size : 0 })lineStyle(size:Float = 0, color:Int = 0, alpha:Float = 1.):Void
Sets an outline style. Changing the line style ends the currently drawn line.
size | Width of the outline. Setting size to 0 will remove the outline. |
color | An outline RGB color. |
alpha | An outline transparency. |
inlinelineTo(x:Float, y:Float):Void
Draws a straight line from the current drawing position to the given position.
@:value({ alpha : 1. })inlinesetColor(color:Int, alpha:Float = 1.):Void
Changes current fill color. Does not interrupt current fill operation and can be utilized to customize color per vertex. During tile fill operation, color serves as a tile color multiplier.
color | The new fill color. |
alpha | The new fill transparency. |
Defined by Drawable
Add a shader to the drawable shaders.
Keep in mind, that as stated before, drawable children do not inherit Drawable properties, which includes shaders.
Set the Drawable.colorMatrix
value by specifying which effects to apply.
Calling adjustColor()
without arguments will reset the colorMatrix to null
Returns the first shader of the given shader class among the drawable shaders.
stype | The class of the shader to look up. |
Remove a shader from the drawable shaders, returns true if found or false if it was not part of our shaders.
Defined by Object
private@:dox(show)addBounds(relativeTo:Object, out:Bounds, dx:Float, dy:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Void
Adds specified area in local coordinate space to the bounds. Expected to be used within Object.getBoundsRec
relativeTo | An object relative to which the Object bounds coordinates should be. If not set, coordinates are in absolute coordinate space. |
out | An output Bounds instance. |
dx | The top-left X offset of the added bounds rectangle. |
dy | The top-left Y offset of the added bounds rectangle. |
width | The width of the added bounds rectangle. |
height | The height of the added bounds rectangle. |
addChildAt(s:Object, pos:Int):Void
Insert a child object at the specified position of the children list.
private@:value({ scaleY : 1., scaleX : 1. })@:dox(show)clipBounds(ctx:RenderContext, bounds:Bounds, scaleX:Float = 1., scaleY:Float = 1.):Void
note: clipBounds
will always output bounds equivalent to entire window.
This is done in order for scene to never clip out cameras as they may render virtually any area of the Scene.
private@:dox(show)constraintSize(maxWidth:Float, maxHeight:Float):Void
For example, Text
constraints it's maximum width, causing word-wrap to occur within constrained area.
See also:
Override this method in order to add custom graphics rendering to your Object.
is invoked before rendering of the object children.
drawToTextures(texs:Array<Texture>, outputs:Array<Output>):Void
Draw the object and all its children into the given Textures.
private@:dox(show)emitTile(ctx:RenderContext, tile:Tile):Void
Draws single Tile instance with this Object transform.
find<T>(f:Object ‑> Null<T>):Null<T>
Find a single object in the tree by calling f
on each and returning the first not-null value returned, or null if not found.
findAll<T>(f:Object ‑> Null<T>, ?arr:Array<T>):Array<T>
Find several objects in the tree by calling f
on each and returning all the not-null values returned.
arr | An optional array instance to fill results with. Allocates a new array if not set. |
Returns the updated absolute position matrix. See Object.getMatrix
for current matrix values.
getBounds(?relativeTo:Object, ?out:Bounds):Bounds
Return the bounds of the object for its whole content, recursively.
relativeTo | An optional object relative to coordinates of which bounds are returned. Returns bounds in the absolute coordinates if not set. |
out | An optional bounds instance to fill. Allocates new Bounds instance and returns it if not set. |
private@:dox(show)getBoundsRec(relativeTo:Object, out:Bounds, forSize:Bool):Void
Override this method in order to expand the reported bounds of an object. Object.addBounds
can be used to add bounds with respect to relativeTo
Do not remove the super call.
relativeTo | An object relative to which the Object bounds coordinates should be. |
out | An output Bounds instance. |
forSize | Whether it's being called for |
Return the n
th element among the immediate children list of this object, or null
if there is no Object at this position.
Return the index of the object o
within the immediate children list of this object, or -1
if it is not part of the children list.
Populates m
with current absolute object transform values. See Object.getAbsPos
for up-to-date values.
Search for an object recursively by name, return null
if not found.
Returns an h2d.Scene
down the hierarchy tree or null
if object is not added to Scene.
Similar to getBounds(parent)
, but instead of the full content, it will return
the size based on the alignment of the object. For instance for a text, Object.getBounds
will return
the full glyphs size whereas getSize
will ignore the pixels under the baseline.
out | An optional bounds instance to fill. Allocates new Bounds instance and returns it if not set. |
Convert an absolute screen position into a local position relative to the object origin, applying all the inherited transforms.
pt | A position to convert and return. Modifies the Point instance as is. |
Convert a local position (or [0,0]
if pt
is null) relative to the object origin into an absolute screen position, applying all the inherited transforms.
pt | An optional position to convert and return. Allocates new Point at 0,0 position if not set. Modifies the Point instance as is. |
move(dx:Float, dy:Float):Void
Move the object by the specified amount along its current direction (Object.rotation
Sent when object is being added to an allocated scene.
Do not remove the super call when overriding.
Should be called when Object content was changed in order to notify parent container. See Object.contentChanged
Sent when object was already allocated and moved within scene object tree hierarchy.
Do not remove the super call when overriding.
parentChanged | Whether Object was moved withing same parent (through |
Sent when object is removed from the allocated scene.
Do not remove the super call when overriding.
Remove the given object from the immediate children list of the object if it's part of it.
Sets the parent container for this Object and it's children.
See Object.contentChanged
for more details.
Performs a sync of data for rendering (such as absolute position recalculation). While this method can be used as a substitute to an update loop, it's primary purpose it to prepare the Object to be rendered.
Do not remove the super call when overriding.