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class Shader
package hxsl
extended by AnimMeshBatchShader, ComputeIndirect, AlphaMultiply, BDRF, BaseDecal, CubeLod, DefaultForward, GammaCorrect, LightEvaluation, Performance, PropsDefinition, PropsImport, PropsTexture, PropsValues, StrengthValues, AlphaChannel, AlphaMSDF, AlphaMap, AlphaMult, AmbientLight, AnimatedTexture, Base2d, BaseMesh, Checker, ColorAdd, ColorKey, ColorMatrix, ColorMult, ColorSpaces, CubeMap, DirLight, DirShadow, DisplacementDisplay, DistanceFade, FixedColor, FlipBackFaceNormal, GpuParticle, KillAlpha, LineShader, NoiseLib, NormalMap, Outline, Parallax, ParticleShader, PointLight, PointShadow, ScreenShader, Shadow, SignedDistanceField, SinusDeform, SkinBase, SpecularTexture, SpotShadow, Texture, Texture2, UVAnim, UVDelta, UVScroll, Utils, VertexColor, VertexColorAlpha, VolumeDecal, WhiteAlpha, ZCut, BatchShader, DynamicShader
Shader priority should only be changed before the shader is added to a material.