
@:value({ rightHanded : false, zFar : 4000., zNear : 0.02, screenRatio : 1.333333, zoom : 1., fovY : 25. })new(fovY:Float = 25., zoom:Float = 1., screenRatio:Float = 1.333333, zNear:Float = 0.02, zFar:Float = 4000., rightHanded:Bool = false)


follow:{target:Object, pos:Object}


The vertical FieldOfView, in degrees. Usually cameras are using an horizontal FOV, but the value will change depending on the screen ratio. For instance a 4:3 screen will have a lower horizontal FOV than a 16:9 one, however the vertical FOV remains constant. Use setFovX to initialize fovY based on an horizontal FOV and an initial screen ratio.

read onlyfrustum:Frustum


Set orthographic bounds.


The screenRatio represents the W/H screen ratio.

@:value(0.)viewX:Float = 0.

@:value(0.)viewY:Float = 0.





@:value({ speed : 1. })backward(speed:Float = 1.):Void

@:value({ speed : 1. })forward(speed:Float = 1.):Void


Calculate the current horizontal fov (in degrees).

@:value({ zMin : 0., zMax : 1. })getFrustumCorners(zMax:Float = 1., zMin:Float = 0.):Array<Vector>


Returns the inverse of the camera matrix projection. Cache the result until the next update().


Returns the inverse of the camera matrix view only. Cache the result until the next update().


Returns the inverse of the camera matrix view and projection. Cache the result until the next update().

@:value({ dz : 0. })getViewDirection(dx:Float, dy:Float, dz:Float = 0.):Point



@:value({ dz : 0. })movePosAxis(dx:Float, dy:Float, dz:Float = 0.):Void

@:value({ dz : 0. })moveTargetAxis(dx:Float, dy:Float, dz:Float = 0.):Void

@:value({ snapToPixel : true })project(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float, screenWidth:Float, screenHeight:Float, snapToPixel:Bool = true):Vector

Project a 3D point into the 2D screen. Make sure to update() the camera if it's been moved before using that.

rayFromScreen(pixelX:Float, pixelY:Float):Ray

setCubeMap(face:Int, ?position:Vector):Void

Setup camera for cubemap rendering on the given face.

setFovX(fovX:Float, withRatio:Float):Void

Set the vertical fov based on a given horizontal fov (in degrees) for a specified screen ratio.

unproject(screenX:Float, screenY:Float, camZ:Float):Vector

Transforms a 2D screen position into the 3D one according to the current camera. The screenX and screenY values must be in the [-1,1] range. The camZ value represents the normalized z in the frustum in the [0,1] range. [unproject] can be used to get the ray from the camera position to a given screen position by using two different camZ values. For instance the 3D ray between unproject(0,0,0) and unproject(0,0,1) is the center axis of the 3D frustum.
