.. | |
BigPrimitive | Vertex buffers are limited to 65K vertexes because of the 16-bits limitation of the index buffers. BigPrimitive allows you to easily create large buffers by spliting the buffers. |
Blendshape | |
Capsule | |
Collider | |
Cube | |
Cylinder | |
Disc | |
DynamicPrimitive | |
GeoSphere | |
Grid | |
HMDModel | |
HideProps | |
Instanced | |
MeshPrimitive | |
ModelCache | |
ModelDataInput | |
ModelDatabase | |
Plane2D | |
Polygon | |
Primitive | h3d.prim.Primitive is the base class for all 3D primitives. You can't create an instance of it and need to use one of its subclasses. |
Quads | |
RawPrimitive | |
Sphere | |
UV |